Application Instructions

Fill out and complete the online application, which is submitted to the North Carolina Azalea Festival Street Fair Committee, along with a non-refundable $25.00 mandatory application fee. Upon completion of the online application, please mail or email any requested documents not submitted in this application to the address provided in your confirmation email. Applications will not be considered unless all documents and photos are submitted (current insurance is excluded until acceptance notification). The application fee is due at the time the application is submitted. Once a vendor is accepted, an email with payment information will be sent.  

  • Reserved for individuals who make their own product by hand and do not have a retail location

  • May have a retail location or sell through other stores or an online store

  • Incorporated businesses and/or is a national brand such as Coca-Cola, etc.

  • Permanent store address located downtown within the Street Fair boundary

  • 501(c)(3) Organizations - documentation required